In the last 24 hours...
As far as life altering decisions go, I finally got Geoff to talk about Halloween. Last night I decided that He should be a big apple and I would be the statue of liberty. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to make him into an apple. When I presented it to him that night at dinner he nixed the idea. At that point I figured that Plan B--dressing up as this years deceased celebrities--wouldn't go over well either. We would have made a great Farrah Fawcett and Billy Mays (rest his soul--it was hard enough using the oxyclean). Anyway after throwing things around we have decided on Ketchup and Mustard, im the mustard, obviously.
Good people making good choices.
1. October means fall is in full swing. No more days that are unsure of what kind of weather they would like to be producing. It is full on gloomy and thats the way I like it. Dont try and tell me otherwise.
2. It means campus is at its best. The colors are at their finest. If I could take one of those giant oak trees and stick it in my house I would--but Geoff would get mad at me and kick me out, tree included. He would have a sound reasoning to do so, I might add.
3. Its my birthday month. This means that greatest amount of joy was dropped on this earth and into my moms lap.
4. Halloween. What other day of the entire year can I dress up like anything and look like a total fool? No one can make fun of me or say that i'm probably drunk. I'm also in a family ward now so I really hope that they do trunk or treating so that I can have the coolest car there. *sidenote: since Geoff and I started dating I have been trying to get him to figure out what our halloween costumes are going to be. Its been 7 months and he still wont talk about it.
***I also bought this at Jo-Anns in preperation for Halloween
5. October also means that fall fashion is fully up and running. This is an extremly sensitive subject for me since I get all the emails from j. Crew, Banana Republic and Gap and I have seen the goods. And they are very, very good. I want them. I want them very much. But I cant have them. (its such a good thing that my birthday is in October, huh? Mom?)
Now that you know just how great October is i'm so sorry you have to wait a whole September before it comes.
ADDENDUM: 6. October is also the best month because Brian and Liesl's cute baby boy, Koston, will be born in October! Although I forgot to mention this before hand, it makes October even better. But I was totally right about October, huh Brian?
Male Bonding

At the end of the video she tells you "you're on your way to being shredded." The only thing I think of when I hear that, is the paper shredder.
Your daily dose of Geoff
Buckingham Palace...
I realize they are a little old school, but thats my style. Im going to use them as flour and sugar containers. My old ones from Ikea got busted in the long move from my old apartment 5 blocks away. The lady was really kind (seeing as she already gave me a bargain after I haggled with her) and threw in this sweet pic I started to taking a liking to. He is so happy to be gettin off that plane. I dont blame him either. I had to take tiny planes like that from Idaho to Oregon. I would have done the same thing he was doing, but when I got off the plane it was usually 10 below freezing and no one was there to greet me--other than the airport I had to hike over to to catch my next flight. Thanks mom and dad for shipping me off to Idaho.
Today was the last day of fall camp. They had a big scrimmage in Reeser. I got some action shots of Geoff--just to prove he is working hard.
Check out that tight end.
I somehow ended up sitting in the geriatric section and spent a whole lot of time talking to this sweet old couple about Geoff.
And if today couldn't get any better, this finally arrive in the mail:
Rent this now. You'll feel so much more complete. Promise.
Can you spot the differences?

And since I had some leftover sheets and since you cant paint apartment walls, I came up with this idea. Its also in our bedroom located on the opposite wall. The picture doesn't really do it much justice. I promise it looks better in real life.
And to add to my excitement, I just found out that our local Michael's craft store offers Wilton cake decorating classes (I am already the proud owner of a Wilton cake decorating set)! I'm going to sign up for the September months class! I'm really, really excited!!
And to my future children, I promise never to make this:

Sour Cream Salmon Loaf? Gross. Found this little gem on the side of my off-brand Corn Flakes.
1, 2, 3...
It lasted for about twenty minutes before he said "this looks ugly". That was ugly? And the birds nest wasn't? Oh Geoff.
And our final product:
Good Morning!
and just because these pics are so hot...
The Evolution...

And I have to add in this picture because both him and our nephew Levi look so cute.
Then he became a hair factory and his beard started grow like some kind of chia pet.
And then he up and did this:
Gross. And then he rounded things out with this look:
And in case your wondering wants going on just below his face in the picture, this is whats happening:
At football camp this is what they call "snack". Every guy gets their own pizza.
Summer Reading
Last week when Shellene and I went to go see Julie and Julia (go see it) and they had a preview for a movie called The Blind Side. I almost cried during the preview. So I looked into it, to see what the name of the book was called. It was also called, The Blind Side...imagine that. Turns out the book is about football. So when I went to the library to get it, I also saw this sweet little number:
Look at how happy those kids are, all because they know how to play football! I too could be just like them! Look at Howie! I'm sure he was happy to find another job than doing those Radio Shack commercials with Teri Hatcher! How could I not bring this home with me? How was I so lucky to have it readily available and not snatched up by some other football dummie?! Im going to learn so much.
Loose Connections

and her recent cover on Elle:
Not a kid anymore? I think not Miley.
Talk about an achy breaky heart.
Who is this? And what has he done with my husband? In some sort of team bonding/male stupidity/ritual hazing the rest of the O-line gave my husband a "birds nest". Apparently, its something the whole team has done http://www.osubeavers.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/081009aaf.html. Regardless, i've never had a grandpa but I wasnt about to have one now. It totally freaked me out. I still can hardly look at it! Once he realized I could hardly go near him he promised to have the rest of his nest shaved off by tonight.