
Judge Geoff

Whilst dining at the fine eatery known as "Subway" Geoff and I had this conversation:

Katie: "Do you wanna get a Redbox tonight?"

Geoff: "I dunno, that one at Safeway doesnt have a very good selection"

Katie: "True"

Geoff: "And besides, the finals for mens figure skating is on tonight."

Geoff seems to think he is a judge at the Olympics. He critiques everything, especially mens figure skating. Its his favorite event.

Of course critiquing the outfits is also especially interesting. Some of these guys have seriously out done themselves. I get it Johnny Weir, I get it.

You too champ. 
I'm sure that outfit was hand picked to perfection.

but seriously? 
Its worse than any of those feathered, glittlered body suits. 


mike garner said...

Geoff comes by his talents to judge mens figure skating quite naturally from his Mom. She especiallt liked the construction worker's efforts to look just like one of the guys.

Shellene said...

don't be a hater....:)